Sunday, June 24, 2007

Wilson and I got in a huge argument last night

He's been high for the past two days and it seems to make him a bit grouchy. He became very irritated when I started our ear-pokey routine and despite treats (he looooooves treats) and happy talk we ended up having a wrestle. I wasn't willing to wait to give him his shot because not only was I super tired but he seems to really skyrocket if his shot is delayed and with all these high numbers I'm afraid of him developing ketones. So we argued, I got a 344 and gave 3u Lantus and 1u R.

Amazingly, this morning he's been a real snugglebear ... of course, I haven't attempted to test him yet, but I'm hopeful that he is feeling much better and will be much less naughty. *fingers crossed*

1 comment:

Robin said...

Jess how come you are using Lantus and not Lev or PZI?

When are you coming to see me?
