Friday, June 22, 2007

AM BG=331 on OTU mini, gave 3u, FUR SHOT??

Okay, I'm upping the dose because I am tired of seeing pre-shot numbers in the 300s. I was trying to stick to his vet's advice but I'm getting stressed about this. Wilson was also real stinker tonight about his test & his shot :( I'd like to do a curve tomorrow but don't know if I should ... some more behavior mod may be in order first. On the other hand, I REALLY need to know what is going on with his BG during the day. Is the lantus is keeping him in euglycemic or near euglycemic range for the vast majority of the day?

Dammit, I may have given a fur shot. I would swear that I didn't--I drew back before shooting and didn't pull back any air so I know I was under the skin, and he didn't move so I dont' think it was yanked out at the last minute, but I just pet him and there was a teensy wet spot on his back and it smells like insulin. Aaarrgh. Did I mention that he has been a real punk about being tested? I am not sure what to do. I wish I didn't have two other household wolverine-cats who stuff themselves with his food, so that I could at least give him another token dose before bed and just leave lots of food out in case he feels low.

How annoying :(

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